Big update : Support of the VR for the moment what is supproted is just the VR device pos wand view dir. no ui and no pads (but will come for sure) [ADD] : add the support of the VR (only pos and view dir of the vr device) [ADD] : add help section for the VR mode [ADD] : add a button for enable/disable the VR [ADD] : add a uniform for check in the shader when the vr is enabled/disable [ADD] : add uniforms for pos and view dir [ADD] : when the VRis enabled, the view and proj matrix from the camera are replaced by proj an view of each eyes of the VR device [ADD] : when the VRimages are rendered in the VR device, the rendering in noodlesplate is stopped [ADD] : add a the support of the VR for the import from shadertoy