[ADD] Mac version added (x64 only) [ADD] Linux version added (x64 only) [ADD] Add a timeline widget : * inspired by the timeline of Blender3D * bezier curve based : three control points mode : free, aligned, symmetric * add key by clinking the dot on the left of uniforms in uniforms pane * move keys by dragging with mouse * you can add whole the current shader config to the timeline and clean for keep only changed uniforms after * use middle mouse on timebar, valuebar or view for scale the view * can rescale keys along time by values (Re Scale Menu) * you can disable gpu upload for frame whith a button * you can show all keys or edit channel(s) for show corrresponding curves (little checkbox on the right of names in timeline) * can export current frames to pictures (video export is planned but not supported for the moment) [ADD] Opengl chooser at start, can support : * 3.2 mini : Geometry Stage * 4.0 : Tesselation Stage * 4.3 : Compute Stage [ADD] New cross platform File Tracker system : * need the .glsl extention associated with your favorite Editor * on Linux, a bug appear with some editors, like gedit ( a file called .goutputstream-xxx is generated after file save, NDP not detect the file changes due to that) * Succesfully tested on Linux and Mac with atom and vscode. no problem seen on windows with many editor [FIX] Many Bug Fixs