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What is NoodlePlate

NoodlesPlate is a GLSL Shader Editor (almost an IDE) :

  • Offline : run only on Windows (for the moment), tested on win 7. Not tested on other version, but there is no reason for it not to work)
  • LightWeight : near 5 MO and no lib, just an exe, auto installed at first execution, in the directory where you put it.
  • Easy : Focused on the display and the tuning, leave editing to an external text editor of your choice (associated with .glsl file extention). i use NotePad++
  • Powerfull : you have many advanced features likes these ones :
    • Vertex, Geometry, and fragment Shader in one file
    • Can Import from url, ShaderToy (partially), VertexShaderArt (partially), GlslSandbox (Fully), ex : here
    • a lot of widgets available for easy tuning of your uniforms, like, sliders, checkbox, combobox, gizmo, etc..
    • Support of Multi Pass Buffers
    • Can play with FrammeBuffer attachment (until 8) switchable in the ui.
    • Many primitive type : Quad (like on ShaderToy and GlslSanbox), Point (like on VertexShaderArt), and Mesh (Support only Obj File for the moment)
    • Include File Support (you can put in include file you tools, the include file can contain each Shader Sections, car ovveride parent section type, for complex imbrication if needed)
    • In-Code Config Systeme Selectable via ComboBox, let you switch between functionnality of your shader easily
    • Compute Shader Support, let you fill texture 2d on texture 3d by example (not very stable for the moment)
    • Support of mesh instancing
    • NodeGraph (experimental and not stable so pay attention when using it, i have also auto layout bug) you can see a quick vid of it here

I Discovered Shaders in 2014 for a game, and im in love with all the procedural stuff we can create with that since this moment. I have designed this soft for have an easy way to tune shaders via widgets. but As a cad Designer, i not work in the GFX industry, so this soft, was a way i choosed for learn all the things around the gfx programming. So maybe the way's i used here for all these features, are not the best. but i want learn, so if you have idea's, issue's, new feature's, please let me discuss with you about your request's on GitHub :)

I have designed this soft by passions for passionates, so i hope you will have a lot of pleasure to use it. Don't' hesitate to speak of it around you, its very pleasant to hear, that what we design is used and maybe enjoyed.

I have posted many video on twitter about NoodePlates, if you want to see how some features are working : here

NoodlesPlate is designed with the help of many free libs, you can find the full list in the About Dialog.

Happys Codding. :)
