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NoodlesPlate 0.1.1417

NoodlesPlate 0.1.1417

[FIX] version check, 4s of timeout, not block anymore the ui if github not respond
[ADD] Support of tesselation control and tesselation evaluation shader
[FIX] mesh loader can open mixed mesh ,traingles, and quads, but only ascii obj and without textures for the moment
[ADD] collapsable / expandalbe section for uniforms (always defined in code)
[FIX] some stability issue was fixed at open and close
[ADD] MSAA x2 for mesh visu, or debug wireframe, btw it do, pixel debugging features, and fbo textures display, stop working
[ADD] A compil button, for force recompilation, when in some weird cases, the files changes are not triggered in NoodlesPlate
[ADD] a natural sorting for Uniforms Config Switcher
[ADD] cammera orthographic for mesh. not work correctly with sdf, need glsl code modification of space3d.glsl. with sdf use perspective